Sunday 15 September 2013

Life With Jesus

 Jesus is with me every hour, every day,

Guiding me, leading me,  showing the way.

Since I decdied to believe on his name,

Nothing in life has ever been the same.

The addictions I suffered are soothed by his hand

My anguish of heart drifted off like fine sand.

I live every moment with guidance from above;

Every part of my heart is squeezed full of God’s love.

Once all was too hard and I despaired of all peace,

But when I took His offer all despair was released.

No problem today cannot be overcome;

My job is to pray; God gets the rest done.

What glorious relief to be under God’s shield—

Why not, my dear friend, won’t you also yield?

Give up your fight to keep walking alone;

Submit to your Savior; He’ll welcome you home.


Name Withheld